Belimumab (Benlysta) is supposed to help knock out white blood cells and can also help when lupus is affecting the kidneys.

Rituximab is also used to knock out white blood cells (B Lymphocytes that produce antibodies). This drug is also used for people with rheumatoid arthritis.

Thalidomide and lenalidomide are currently being used in clinical trials for Lupus that affects the skin.

Tofacitnib is supposed to help with joint damage. This medication is also use to treat people with Vitiligo.

Out of the top 4 medications, only 1 (Belimumab) is FDA approved to treat Lupus specifically. The others are being studied in clinical trials.
Smith, M. H. (2017, February 16). The 4 Best New Medicines to Treat Your Lupus (Video). Retrieved July 23, 2017, from